Whatever you do, don’t hit that “Boost Post” button

Tempted by that “Boost Post” button that appears on your social media posts? It seems so easy, with the click of a button your post will gain better visibility and lead to greater sales…right?

But if you look a bit deeper, you’ll find that the Boost Post button might not be the best bang for your buck – in fact, it could be quite the opposite.

Read the below if you’re considering pushing that button – you may just change your mind.

What does the Boost Post button do?

When Facebook introduced the button in 2014, it was heralded as a way to assist page managers and advertisers streamline their ad strategies. The button “improves” visibility of the post as it shows the post to more people.

Does the Boost Post button actually work?

Using the button is designed to see your engagement rise – your post may be shared, liked and receive more comments once you use it, but this isn’t always a good thing.

If your long-term marketing goal is to generate high-quality leads, receiving more engagement isn’t the best way to get there.

Who does the Boost Post button target?

This is the main drawback of the Boost Post button – there is very limited audience targeting.

When you hit that button, the targeting is limited to those who have liked your page and friends of those who have liked your page.

If you have a small audience, you’re unlikely to generate much traffic. The button isn’t going to show you to the thousands of other people who are much more likely to be seeking your product or service.

What’s the alternative?

If you’re using the Boost Post button because you don’t have the time, energy or skills to put into building out a targeted ad strategy and audience, you need to engage the services of a digital marketing agency like The Social Butterfly.

We’re experts in building audiences and ads designed to achieve your marketing goals, whatever they be.

Like most things, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. The Boost Post button may seem like a life-saver, but it doesn’t compare to tailored, strategic campaigns designed by humans who care about your business.

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