The do’s & don’ts when marketing to women

Gone are the days of shaming women into buying products, pressuring them into purchasing or employing tired stereotypes to convince women to spend their hard-earned dollars.

Women are incredibly savvy buyers and value authenticity, trust and connection. They’re more likely to purchase from a brand that makes them feel welcomed, valued and understood.

Embedding these values in your marketing is key to securing the female demographic as dedicated customers.


  • Build relationships: you want potential customers to feel as if they know your brand. Personalise your ads to your target audience so they feel seen and understood.
  • Focus on the positives: negative campaigns are a no-go. You want women to purchase from a place of positivity and confidence rather than negativity and self-doubt.
  • Lean into add-ons: women are more likely to shop around and research before purchasing, so make sure you’re ready for this. Offering and promoting add-ons and incentives with value will help you secure the customers who are comparing you to your competitors.


  • Patronise: speaking down to your potential customers is one of the biggest errors you can make when marketing to women. It’s a tactic left over from the Mad Men era when women were still regarded as house ornaments.
  • Exaggerate: Women are savvy. They’re not going to trust your brand if your advertisements are promising the world. Keep it real and see your conversion rate soar.
  • Stereotype: While knowing your target audience down to the tee is key to successful advertising, letting stereotypes seep through is a quick way to alienate your audience.


Looking to revamp the way you’re advertising to women so you can reach a wider audience and boost your current customer base? We’re the experts and already work with countless brands to do just that! Book a live audit of your ads account here and let’s get started.

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