Is your email strategy working with your ad strategy?

Your email list should be your secret weapon when it comes to digital marketing. If you’ve neglected your email marketing recently, it’s time to revamp it and make sure your email strategy is working in tandem with your ad strategy.

Email is one of the only ways for you to have direct contact with your customers – it doesn’t rely on an algorithm or a slightly temperamental social media platform! You own your email list, so it’s time to start using it more effectively.

Below we’ve outlined some key emails you could be including in your strategy to optimise your email strategy!

Lifecycle emails

Lifecycle emails are automated emails designed to build engagement and your relationship with your customers. These include a variety of different emails such as welcome emails, cart abandonment emails and winback emails, which we’ve outlined in more detail below.

Transactional emails

Transactional emails are key to the success of your eCommerce store – they’re automated personalised emails that are triggered when someone makes a transaction on your store. They include order confirmation, shipping details and password resets. These emails tend to lean more towards the business end of communication, rather than marketing.

Broadcast emails

Broadcast emails are what you might consider to be your newsletter. These are marketing emails that may include sales announcements, email promotions and other important announcements you don’t want your customers to miss.

Cart abandonment emails

Cart abandonment emails are a form of lifecycle emails and act as the final nudge a customer may need to complete their checkout. Using cart abandonment emails can help you recover customers and boost your revenue.

Welcome emails

Start your relationship with your customer off on the right foot with a friendly welcome email! Make a great first impression and utilise a strong call to action to create another loyal customer on your list!

Winback Emails

The great thing about email lists is the data you can pull from them – you can segment your list into regular customers and customers that aren’t engaging with your business. You can then send an email to these people specifically, enticing them back with a small discount and gentle “we miss you!” messaging.


Already using your email list as a part of your marketing strategy, but keen to polish it up to really start seeing results? We can help! We specialise in successfully incorporating your email list into your strategy to truly drive results.

Get in touch today for an obligation-free audit of your current ad strategy – we’ll chat to you about all things email marketing!

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