Supporting your female-owned business network

Women supporting women – we love to see it!

Creating a network of strong, female business owners is a surefire way to stay motivated and feel supported on your business journey.

If you’ve got women around you who are also running their own businesses, you know that this network of business owners and goal-getters are there to help you celebrate the wins, strategise the next financial quarter and brainstorm your way out of a tight spot.

So, how do you give back to these fabulous people?

Here are some of the best ways to support the women in your life doing big business things:


Celebrate successes

Whether you comment on their social media post, send a bunch of flowers or organise celebratory drinks, acknowledging their business successes is an unbeatable way to support your network. Building and running a business can be a lonely journey, so make the celebrations count!

Amplify women’s voices

Whenever you get the opportunity, amplify the voices of the women around you. In a meeting, at a social gathering or in your online space, promoting the expertise of the women around you can only do good.

Share your knowledge

If you see someone in your network struggling with a certain aspect of their business that you’ve got down pat, offer to walk them through it. Sharing your knowledge is a great way to build connections with your network, and you never know what you’ll learn in return.

Refer, refer, refer!

Every time a client or customer reaches out with a request that you can’t quite fulfil, either due to capacity or expertise, consider who in your network could best serve the request and provide a referral. Your network will thank you.


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